we need to start BE-ING Human

Bringing you revolutionary programs to transform your BE-ING

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Increasing Performance by Empowering Teams” (IPET)

At The LOA Centre (M), we believe that all of us are born to be GREAT. In any organisation, the key players are those who are directly providing the services or building the products for their customers. The experience that the customers are feeling is as per the promise given by the organisation. In delivering the promise, the employees need to be inspired, responsible and able to work as a team. So, we term them as the ROCK STARS of the organisation.

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3 Laws of Performance

Studies show that when management efforts do not consider the causes of undesirable situations that occur within the organisation, 73% of change efforts fail and 70% of new strategies and managerial implementations fall short of expectation.
Hence, this full day "3 Laws of Performance" program has been specifically developed in order for individuals to have a positive mindset, be inspired at work in an environment where the situation is supporting their growth and able to lead a team with happiness. In doing so, the individual is able to positively influence the team thus, resulting in a better performance that meets the WHY of the organisation.

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Get Super Charged (Attracting Abundance Always)

You may not be aware of it but a powerful force is at work in your life. It's called the Law of Attraction and right now it's attracting people, jobs, situations and relationships to your life - not all of them good ! If your life feels as if it has turned south and taken on the characteristics of a bad soap opera, it's time for a change.

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Effective Communication & Conflict Resolution

Effective communication involves the clear and concise exchange of information between individuals or groups, with the aim of conveying thoughts, ideas, or emotions accurately. It encompasses both verbal and non-verbal elements such as tone, body language, and active listening. Conflict resolution, on the other hand, is the process of addressing disagreements or disputes in a constructive manner to reach a mutually satisfactory outcome. This involves identifying the root cause of the conflict, fostering open dialogue, and implementing strategies to find common ground or compromise. Together, effective communication and conflict resolution skills are crucial in building strong relationships, fostering collaboration, and maintaining harmony in various settings, whether personal or professional.

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Performance Coaching

At The LOA Centre, we recognize that within every individual lies untapped potential and hidden reservoirs of greatness. If you've ever felt that there's more to you than meets the eye, you're absolutely right. Our Performance Coaching program is designed to be your guide on the transformative journey to greatness. We firmly believe that the foundation of success is laid upon the bedrock of happiness. In our 6-month coaching session, we unlock the secrets of success by teaching you to operate from a perpetual state of happiness. Imagine every step you take and every task you undertake being fuelled by a genuine sense of joy.

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Talent Management

We believe that increasing performance is all about taking 100% responsibility for the results we are experiencing in every key areas of our lives and then making the commitment to implement the necessary actions towards the improvement in these areas. For the latter, one of the most important factors that bridges the gap between what one knows need to be done and actually executing the necessary actions (e.g. better customer service, adhering to SOPs, leading by example etc.), is the "environment" constructed which supports the execution.

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Headstart for Youths

Waiting for Content

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How to Be a Super-Charged Family Parenting Workshop

We’ve been having a wonderful experiential time with the tools and techniques shared in the 'How To Be A Super-Charged Family' book. We were able to always come together and support each other. Implementation of these environments also allowed us to save a lot of money on our kids' education. Education has become so expensive yet ineffective as it teaches "to the tools" and not to "the problem". Still, we end up paying just to keep up with the Jones. It was different for us, as we had numerous conversations on what problem they can fix to make the world a better place instead of what they are going to be in the future.

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Train The Coach

In the rapidly evolving landscape of AI, the significance of possessing the right skills surpasses conventional academic excellence. While AI platforms excel in processing information swiftly, they lag in comprehending human emotions, a pivotal aspect in delivering structured programs effectively. This dichotomy underscores the importance of equipping Facilitators with adeptness beyond mere academic prowess.

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BE-ING (Achieving Inner Mastery)

As a leader, do you struggle to connect with your inner true self which leads to great dissatisfaction and unhappiness in your life? Do you feel that you have so much great potential, yet you are not achieving and living at your fullest?
The inability to identify and connect to a higher purpose, and achieve one‟s greatest potential is a major challenge that many leaders are facing in the corporate and business world today. One of the proven key element that everyone is looking for, is Happiness.

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Award Wining

The LOA Centre's commitment to enhancing the lives of individuals and organizations has been recently recognized with the "Best in Coaching & Training (Personal Development & Mental Health) in Malaysia 2023" award by Education TVET Asia. Acknowledged by the Ministry of Human Resource Malaysia, this prestigious award reflects their remarkable dedication to improving the lives of countless individuals and organizations through out the years

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